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Engineers Level
SY0002Key Features
- Read-out in degrees or gons
- Water and dust-tight
- Target dioptre adjustment
The Engingeers Level is built to withstand the toughest construction site conditions, offering exceptional durability and reliability. Designed for extreme robustness and precise measurements, it eliminates the need for frequent workshop checks or adjustments, saving time and money.
Full Description
The user-friendly operation requires no conversion from degrees to gons, while convenient pointing, comfortable read-out and outstanding contrast ensure a seamless and accurate measuring experience. With an impact-resistant IP57 certification for water and dust resistance, the level delivers consistent performance even in the harshest conditions. The high-luminosity optics ensure sharp, clear images and comfortable read-outs, even in low light, while the nitrogen-filled telescope prevents lens fogging. Its durable design minimises downtime and reduces ownership costs, requiring fewer adjustments or workshop checks. Whether measuring distances, assigning datum lines, or defining height differences, the Engineers Level offers the perfect level for every application.
Hard Hat Required
Safety Boots Required
Safety Gloves Required