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85cfm Diesel Compressor
CO005Key Features
- No specialist driving license required to tow these models
The Atlas XAS47 is light, fuel efficient and quiet; fully road tow compliant. This compressor is commonly used in construction, mining, agriculture and other industries where a reliable and mobile sources of compressed air is required.
Full Description
The 85cfm Diesel Compressor provides adequate airflow for various pneumatic tools, equipment and applications on job sites. Equipped with a diesel engine for power, this compressor is durable and fuel efficient. Coming with several outlets on larger machines, allowing multiple pneumatic tools to be used concurrently.
- Machine weight:
- Normal working pressure:
- Output at rated speed:
- Fuel Tank Capacity:
- Dimensions LxHxW:
Hard Hat Required
Safety Boots Required
Safety Gloves Required
Ear Protection Required
Safety Goggles Required
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